Prayers to the Holy Spirit
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created and You shall renew the face of the earth…
O God, who has taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit,
Grand that by the gift of the same Spirit
we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in his consolation through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created and You shall renew the face of the earth…
O God, who has taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit,
Grand that by the gift of the same Spirit
we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in his consolation through Christ our Lord. Amen.
A Prayer to the Holy Spirit
by Cardinal Mercier
O Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul, I adore You.
Enlighten me, guide me,
strengthen me, console me.
Tell me what I should do;
give me Your orders.
I promise to submit myself
to all that You desire of me and
to accept all that You permit to happen to me.
Let me only know Your Will.
by Cardinal Mercier
O Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul, I adore You.
Enlighten me, guide me,
strengthen me, console me.
Tell me what I should do;
give me Your orders.
I promise to submit myself
to all that You desire of me and
to accept all that You permit to happen to me.
Let me only know Your Will.
A Prayer to the Holy Spirit
by St. Augustine of Hippo
Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit,
that my thoughts may all be holy.
Act in me, O Holy Spirit,
that my work, too, may be holy.
Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit,
that I love but what is holy.
Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit,
to defend all that is holy.
Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit,
that I always may be holy. Amen.
by St. Augustine of Hippo
Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit,
that my thoughts may all be holy.
Act in me, O Holy Spirit,
that my work, too, may be holy.
Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit,
that I love but what is holy.
Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit,
to defend all that is holy.
Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit,
that I always may be holy. Amen.
Come O Holy Spirit
Come, thou Holy Spirit, come!
And from thy celestial home
Shed a ray of light divine!
Come, thou Father of the poor!
Come, thou source of all our store!
Come, within our bosoms shine!
Thou, of comforters the best;
Thou, the soul’s most welcome guest;
Sweet refreshment here below.
In our labour, rest most sweet;
Grateful coolness in the heat;
Solace in the midst of woe.
O most blessed Light divine,
Shine within these hearts of thine,
And our inmost being fill!
Where thou art not, we have naught,
Nothing good in deed or thought,
Nothing free from taint of ill.
Heal our wounds, our strength renew
On our dryness pour thy dew;
Wash the stains of guilt away.
Bend the stubborn heart and will;
Melt the frozen, warm the chill;
Guide the steps that go astray.
On the faithful, who adore
And confess thee, evermore
In thy sev’nfold gift descend.
Give them virtue’s sure reward;
Give them thy salvation, Lord;
Give them joys that never end.
Come, thou Holy Spirit, come!
And from thy celestial home
Shed a ray of light divine!
Come, thou Father of the poor!
Come, thou source of all our store!
Come, within our bosoms shine!
Thou, of comforters the best;
Thou, the soul’s most welcome guest;
Sweet refreshment here below.
In our labour, rest most sweet;
Grateful coolness in the heat;
Solace in the midst of woe.
O most blessed Light divine,
Shine within these hearts of thine,
And our inmost being fill!
Where thou art not, we have naught,
Nothing good in deed or thought,
Nothing free from taint of ill.
Heal our wounds, our strength renew
On our dryness pour thy dew;
Wash the stains of guilt away.
Bend the stubborn heart and will;
Melt the frozen, warm the chill;
Guide the steps that go astray.
On the faithful, who adore
And confess thee, evermore
In thy sev’nfold gift descend.
Give them virtue’s sure reward;
Give them thy salvation, Lord;
Give them joys that never end.
From the Troparion of Pentecost Vespers in the Byzantine liturgy
From the Troparion of Pentecost Vespers in the Byzantine liturgy
Heavenly King, Comforter, the Spirit of truth,
everywhere present and filling all things,
Treasury of blessings and Giver of life,
Come and dwell in us, cleanse us of every stain
and save our souls, O gracious Lord. Amen.
Heavenly King, Comforter, the Spirit of truth,
everywhere present and filling all things,
Treasury of blessings and Giver of life,
Come and dwell in us, cleanse us of every stain
and save our souls, O gracious Lord. Amen.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit in Every Need
Prayer to the Holy Spirit in Every Need
Holy Spirit, my light, my life, my love, my strength,
be with me now, and always:
in all my doubts, perplexities and trials,
come, Holy Spirit;
in hours of loneliness, weariness and grief,
come, Holy Spirit;
in failure and in loss, in disappointment,
come, Holy Spirit;
when others fail me, when I fail myself,
come, Holy Spirit;
when I am ill, unable to work, depressed,
come, Holy Spirit;
now, and forever, and in all things,
come, Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit, my light, my life, my love, my strength,
be with me now, and always:
in all my doubts, perplexities and trials,
come, Holy Spirit;
in hours of loneliness, weariness and grief,
come, Holy Spirit;
in failure and in loss, in disappointment,
come, Holy Spirit;
when others fail me, when I fail myself,
come, Holy Spirit;
when I am ill, unable to work, depressed,
come, Holy Spirit;
now, and forever, and in all things,
come, Holy Spirit.
Prayer to Convoke Vatican Council II by st. Pope John XXIII
Prayer to Convoke Vatican Council II
by St. Pope John XXIII
Divine Spirit, renew your wonders
in this our age as in a new Pentecost,
and grant that your Church,
praying perseveringly and insistently
with one heart and mind
together with Mary, the Mother of Jesus,
and guided by Blessed Peter,
may increase the reign of the Divine Savior,
the reign of truth and justice,
the reign of love and peace. Amen.
by St. Pope John XXIII
Divine Spirit, renew your wonders
in this our age as in a new Pentecost,
and grant that your Church,
praying perseveringly and insistently
with one heart and mind
together with Mary, the Mother of Jesus,
and guided by Blessed Peter,
may increase the reign of the Divine Savior,
the reign of truth and justice,
the reign of love and peace. Amen.
Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
O Lord Jesus Christ, Who before ascending into
heaven did promise to send the Holy Spirit to finish
Your work in Your Apostles and Disciples, deign to
grant the same Holy Spirit to me, that He may perfect
in me the work of Your grace and love.
Grant me
the Spirit of Wisdom that I may not cling to the
perishable things of this world and aspire only
after the things that are eternal,
the Spirit of Understanding to enlighten my mind
with the light of Your divine truth,
the Spirit of Counsel that I may ever choose the
surest way of pleasing God and gaining Heaven,
the Spirit of Fortitude that I may bear my cross
with You, and that I may overcome with courage
all the obstacles that hinder my salvation,
the Spirit of Knowledge that I may know God and
know myself and grow perfect in imitation of the
the Spirit of Piety that I may find the service of
God sweet and amiable,
the Spirit of Fear that I may be filled with a
loving reverence towards God, and may dread in
any way to displease Him.
Mark me, dear Lord, with the sign of Your true
disciples and animate me in all things with Your
Spirit. Amen.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Who before ascending into
heaven did promise to send the Holy Spirit to finish
Your work in Your Apostles and Disciples, deign to
grant the same Holy Spirit to me, that He may perfect
in me the work of Your grace and love.
Grant me
the Spirit of Wisdom that I may not cling to the
perishable things of this world and aspire only
after the things that are eternal,
the Spirit of Understanding to enlighten my mind
with the light of Your divine truth,
the Spirit of Counsel that I may ever choose the
surest way of pleasing God and gaining Heaven,
the Spirit of Fortitude that I may bear my cross
with You, and that I may overcome with courage
all the obstacles that hinder my salvation,
the Spirit of Knowledge that I may know God and
know myself and grow perfect in imitation of the
the Spirit of Piety that I may find the service of
God sweet and amiable,
the Spirit of Fear that I may be filled with a
loving reverence towards God, and may dread in
any way to displease Him.
Mark me, dear Lord, with the sign of Your true
disciples and animate me in all things with Your
Spirit. Amen.
Litany of the Holy Spirit
Litany of the Holy Spirit
Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us.
God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us
God the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us
Divine Essence, one true God, Have mercy on us
Spirit of truth and wisdom, Have mercy on us
Spirit of holiness and justice, Have mercy on us
Spirit of understanding and counsel, Have mercy on us
Spirit of love and joy, Have mercy on us
Spirit of peace and patience, Have mercy on us
Spirit of kindness and goodness, Have mercy on us
Spirit of generosity and gentleness, Have mercy on us
Spirit of faithfulness and modesty, Have mercy on us
Spirit of self-control and chastity, Have mercy on us
Love substantial of the Father and the Son, Have mercy on us
Love and life of saintly souls, Have mercy on us
Fire ever burning, Have mercy on us
Living water to quench the thirst of hearts, Have mercy on us
From all evil, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From all impurity of soul and body, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From all gluttony and sensuality,Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From all attachments to the things of the earth, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From all hypocrisy and pretense, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From all imperfections and deliberate faults, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From our own will, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From slander, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From deceiving our neighbours, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From our passions and disorderly appetites, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From our inattentiveness to Your holy inspirations, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From despising little things, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From debauchery and malice, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From love of comfort and luxury, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From wishing to seek or desire anything other than You, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From everything that displeases You, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
Most loving Father, forgive us.
Divine Word, have pity on us.
Holy and divine Spirit, leave us not until we are in
possession of the Divine Essence, Heaven of heavens.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
Send us the divine Consoler.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
Fill us with the gifts of Your Spirit.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
Make the fruits of the Holy Spirit increase within us.
V. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful,
R. And enkindle in them the fire of Your love.
V. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created,
R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray: O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit
did instruct the hearts of Your faithful, grant that by the
same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in
His consolation, through Christ our Lord. Amen
Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us.
God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us
God the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us
Divine Essence, one true God, Have mercy on us
Spirit of truth and wisdom, Have mercy on us
Spirit of holiness and justice, Have mercy on us
Spirit of understanding and counsel, Have mercy on us
Spirit of love and joy, Have mercy on us
Spirit of peace and patience, Have mercy on us
Spirit of kindness and goodness, Have mercy on us
Spirit of generosity and gentleness, Have mercy on us
Spirit of faithfulness and modesty, Have mercy on us
Spirit of self-control and chastity, Have mercy on us
Love substantial of the Father and the Son, Have mercy on us
Love and life of saintly souls, Have mercy on us
Fire ever burning, Have mercy on us
Living water to quench the thirst of hearts, Have mercy on us
From all evil, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From all impurity of soul and body, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From all gluttony and sensuality,Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From all attachments to the things of the earth, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From all hypocrisy and pretense, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From all imperfections and deliberate faults, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From our own will, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From slander, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From deceiving our neighbours, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From our passions and disorderly appetites, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From our inattentiveness to Your holy inspirations, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From despising little things, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From debauchery and malice, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From love of comfort and luxury, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From wishing to seek or desire anything other than You, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
From everything that displeases You, Deliver us, O Holy Spirit.
Most loving Father, forgive us.
Divine Word, have pity on us.
Holy and divine Spirit, leave us not until we are in
possession of the Divine Essence, Heaven of heavens.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
Send us the divine Consoler.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
Fill us with the gifts of Your Spirit.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
Make the fruits of the Holy Spirit increase within us.
V. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful,
R. And enkindle in them the fire of Your love.
V. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created,
R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray: O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit
did instruct the hearts of Your faithful, grant that by the
same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in
His consolation, through Christ our Lord. Amen